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Sep 18, 2018

Modern Farming- Big picture of the New world Agriculture.

Metropolitan population increasing at a rapid rate. At present 54% people live in Urban areas. Projections show that the world could add up to 2.5 billion population to the Urban areas with close to 90% growth alone from Asia and Africa by 2050. Countries like China, India, Nigeria will have the highest increase in Urban population as per the World Urbanization prospects by UN DESA. With this one can understand that the Food requirement by 2050 is dependent on the population by that time and is also directly proportional to the rate of food production. To feed a population of 9.1 billion, it would require raising overall food production to 70% by 2050 to meet the demand.

But, right now there are many worrying trends such as decreasing crop yields, loss of topsoil, increased demand for meat, effects of climatic change and growth of biofuels. These aspects keep a considerable amount of pressure on food supply in the coming years, which may result in shortages. At present world's agricultural land is assumed to be 40% of the total land on earth and areas suitable for further expansion looks very limited. To overcome the present visible scenario, new methods more sustainable and can provide more yields needs to be adopted. This is not as easy as spoken, because most beneficial and productive methods of urban farming such as Hydroponics and Aquaponics, still deserve a better place in farming.

By Hydroponics one can adopt various methods like vertical farming, tower garden, Flood and drain systems, wick system etc., which can reduce the land usage and farming can be done in a little available area with much more productive than conventional methods. Crop yield will be much faster than other methods, at the same time no chance of soil-borne diseases. The consumption of water is less with an increase in productivity when compared to conventional means of farming. Farming can be done in all seasons

Cultivation of Tomatoes using Hydroponics technique
Though this system has many benefits, the initial cost of setting up the project is high and require constant supervision. Due to dependence on power, some areas may face the power outage, where you require to water the garden manually.

Aquaponics is a technique where the combination of aquaculture is used for growing fish and other aquatic animals along with the hydroponics cultivation of crops without using soil. In this method nutrient-rich water is used to raise fish, which produces natural fertilizer for the plants and plants helps to purify the water for the fish. In this process, you will feed the fish and in turn, fish will feed the plants. Water used for this kind of farming is less and the recycled. With this method, you can grow 8 times more food per acre compared to traditional agriculture. This method is sustainable and nature-friendly. Soil-borne diseases can be reduced.  Pesticides can be avoided by this method of cultivation. Only this to do is keep an eye on Ph value in water, oxygen levels to be maintained and excess feed for fish shall be removed.

Large Aquaponic farm
 Apart from mentioned methods, others such as Aeroponics and Hybrid Seed Technology would be amazingly refreshing and gives the required outputs. With these methods, farmers can overcome a short supply of water by minimizing the water consumption for the crops. Much research is being carried out to increase sustainable agriculture with larger yields. Hope extensive research in farming may bring newer technologies and reduces the excess demand for food due to increase of population and decrease in land bank in the future.

Feb 25, 2017

Maldives Shrinking!!

Maldives, an archipelago of 1196 islands, is one among the countries vulnerable to climate changes. This is the flattest country on Earth. In recent days many studies emerged on Global warming and its impact on environment. Almost every documents speaks about the increase in Sea Levels. Maldives is the lowest lying islands of the world. Most of the islands are situated at 1.5 meters above mean sea level. But, some Islands with dunes are 2.4 meters above Sea level.

An Island in Maldives
With a slightest rise in sea levels, the possibility of lower lands submerging is high. Core samples, tide gauge readings, and, most recently, satellite measurements tell us that over the past century, the Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) has risen by 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters). However, the annual rate of rise over the past 20 years has been 0.13 inches (3.2 millimeters) a year, roughly twice the average speed of the preceding 80 years (Source: National Geographic).

At the current rate of increase in sea levels, by 2100 Maldives would be uninhabitable. Since 1950s, sea levels in and around Maldives is rising at a rate of  1.6 millimeters per year. Due to the kind of topography, rise in sea levels translate to extensive land inundation. With Rise in Sea levels, they face a situation like abrupt weather shifts, change in migration pattern of the fish, storms & waves etc. These climatic conditions also kill the coral reefs. During 

The rising sea levels will threaten the beach front resorts, the country depends on for the economy. Tourism of Maldives contributes 28% of the countries GDP. The climate change will impact tourism dependent economy to very extent in near future. 

 There are five airports and 128 harbors on the coastline of Maldives. These all structures possibly will have a threat of flooding in future, which effects the economy of the country.

Sea Level Trend 1993-2012

 Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed, in April 2012 stated " If Carbon emissions were to stop today, the planet wouldn't see a difference for 60 to 70 Years. If the carbon emissions continue at the rate they are climbing today, my country will be under water in seven years". He called for more climate change mitigation while on American television shows.

17th October 2009 Cabinet members of Maldives donned scuba gear and held a meeting 20ft below sea level to highlight rise in sea levels.

Maldives Cabinet Underwater stunt

Maldivian government has identified measures to help the country adapt to rising sea levels.  Government had created a sovereign wealth fund from the dollars they generated from tourism. They are looking into  options like buying  land in India, Srilanka and Australia. But in April 2008, President expressed his intentions "We don't want to leave Maldives, but at the same time we don't want to become climate refugees living in tents for decades".

Maldives now plans to offset the carbon emissions by 2020.